
透過 UnityWebRequest 載入貼圖紋理。注意!部份的網站伺服器可能無法支援,需要先進行測試或請網站管理員協助。

建立一個 C# 腳本並套用到遊戲物件。






注意!本教學需使用 Unirty 2017 以上版本,若是 Unity 5 以前版本將會出現錯誤訊息。



UnityWebRequest 資源可以指向網站或本機的路徑。


UnityWebRequest object 用於跟網站伺服器之間的通訊。

UnityWebRequests handle the flow of HTTP communication with web servers. 特別是 DownloadHandler 與 UploadHandler 分別控制資料的下載與上傳。

A set of static functions are provided for convenience; these return UnityWebRequest objects properly configured for many common use cases. See: Get, Post, Put, GetTexture.

Note: Most properties on the UnityWebRequest object cannot be altered once the UnityWebRequest has begun communicating with a remote server by calling the SendWebRequest method.

注意!Proxy settings 應該在作業系統上進行設定,而 UnityWebRequest 將會在稍後依照設定進行處理。


Static Properties 靜態屬性  
kHttpVerbCREATE The string "CREATE", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP CREATE request.
kHttpVerbDELETE The string "DELETE", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP DELETE request.
kHttpVerbGET The string "GET", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP GET request.
kHttpVerbHEAD The string "HEAD", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP HEAD request.
kHttpVerbPOST The string "POST", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP POST request.
kHttpVerbPUT The string "PUT", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP PUT request.
Properties 屬性  
certificateHandler Holds a reference to a CertificateHandler object, which manages certificate validation for this UnityWebRequest.
disposeCertificateHandlerOnDispose If true, any CertificateHandler attached to this UnityWebRequest will have CertificateHandler.Dispose called automatically when UnityWebRequest.Dispose is called.
disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose If true, any DownloadHandler attached to this UnityWebRequest will have DownloadHandler.Dispose called automatically when UnityWebRequest.Dispose is called.
disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose If true, any UploadHandler attached to this UnityWebRequest will have UploadHandler.Dispose called automatically when UnityWebRequest.Dispose is called.
downloadedBytes Returns the number of bytes of body data the system has downloaded 來自遠端伺服器(唯讀)
downloadHandler Holds a reference to a DownloadHandler object, which manages body data received from the remote server by this UnityWebRequest.
downloadProgress Returns a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the progress of downloading body data from the server. (Read Only)
error A human-readable string describing any system errors encountered by this UnityWebRequest object while handling HTTP requests or responses. (Read Only)
isDone Returns true after the UnityWebRequest has finished communicating with the remote server. (Read Only)
isHttpError Returns true after this UnityWebRequest receives an HTTP response code indicating an error. (Read Only)
isModifiable Returns true while a UnityWebRequest’s configuration properties can be altered. (Read Only)
isNetworkError Returns true after this UnityWebRequest encounters a system error. (Read Only)
method Defines the HTTP verb used by this UnityWebRequest, 例如 GET 或 POST
redirectLimit Indicates the number of redirects which this UnityWebRequest will follow before halting with a “Redirect Limit Exceeded” system error.
responseCode The numeric HTTP response code returned by the server, such as 200, 404 or 500. (Read Only)
timeout Sets UnityWebRequest to attempt to abort after the number of seconds in timeout have passed.
uploadedBytes Returns the number of bytes of body data the system has uploaded to the remote server. (Read Only)
uploadHandler Holds a reference to the UploadHandler object which manages body data to be uploaded to the remote server.
uploadProgress Returns a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the progress of uploading body data to the server.
uri Defines the target URI for the UnityWebRequest to communicate with.
url Defines the target URL for the UnityWebRequest to communicate with.
useHttpContinue Determines whether this UnityWebRequest will include Expect: 100-Continue in its outgoing request headers. (Default: true).
UnityWebRequest Creates a UnityWebRequest with the default options and no attached DownloadHandler or UploadHandler. Default method is GET.